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Fuera de la escuela

The only program that combines technology, STEAM,
sustainability and inclusion.


We accelerate the process of incorporating robotics, programming and sustainable development in classrooms and generate transformative changes in your educational center.

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"incubator" is a concept that indicates impetus and support in the first phases of change or the birth of projects, for example in the field of companies or innovative projects of recent creation.

The incubation program for educational centers STEMConnected it involves a push and close monitoring of educational centers in their own process of incorporating the sustainable development of technology, computational thinking, robotics and educational programming at the center level, in the curriculum and in the classrooms, or even beyond... aligned with the new LOMLOE.

Program sheet:

Who is it for? 2-5 teachers from each school. We will unite 4-5 educational centers within the program to generate synergies.

From which stages? We recommend that teachers from the different stages and different disciplines within the center participate, to create a team driving STEAM-robotics within the center. There will be some capsules differentiated by the 3 stages: infant, primary and secondary.

How many teaching hours does it last? The training has 24 teaching hours, including:

 - 2 face-to-face sessions of high value and inspiring. A visit to a maker-fablab space around Barcelona will be included.

 - 6 remote sessions, completely live and with practical/active methodologies

Tailored advice and support: The program includes 4 mentoring sessions with each center to advise and accompany them in their own style (curricular advice, didactic materials, advice on the purchase of materials, etc.).

Mode: Semi-face-to-face (80% live online + 20% face-to-face)

Materials: 20 hours of teaching material "thead system" - specifically designed by experts are delivered. Innovative, differential, accessible materials that can be used in the classroom

Price: This program can be fully subsidized through the FUNDAE Foundation (if we cannot subsidize your training, we make a tailor-made budget adjusted to your needs) 

Ask us for more information.

Dates: Fortnightly sessions between February and May.

Tentative dates: Friday afternoon (final times to be agreed with the participating centers).

High degree of satisfaction
9.5 out of 10

It is easier to learn to fly if you are taught how

Padre e hijo volar un avión no tripulado

Empower creative technologies in your center and create an impact on the world.

We will push you as hard as we can, because we know you need it and, above all, because it is time to push the boundaries and make new connections.

Niños abrazándose en círculo

In today's global world everything is connected.

It's time to go beyond the classroom walls and connect learning with life and the world.

The participation of 2-5 teachers from each educational center is recommended.







Duration of the program:

from January to November 2023



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