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scratch jr UNPLUGGED

Scratch Jr BCN Tactile

Inclusive and tangible coding

A project by Sistema THEAD


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Inclusive and unplugged blocks of creative coding


The project
The "Scratch Jr BCN Tactile" also known as Scratch Jr tangible unplugged, aim to bring all children closer to the possibilities offered by creative computing started in 2007 by the MIT Media Lab team with the creation of Scratch application.

We break screen and vision barriers to create an educational material that will allow everyone to learn computational thinking skills that are so important for today's society.

- Start date: May 2021
- Date of 1st prototype: June 2021
- Date of 2nd prototype: 2022
- Date of 3rd prototype: 2022-2023 (forecast) and publication of 3rd prototype designs. AVAILABLE NOW.

- Develop unplugged, tactile and low-cost coding blocks and board to reduce the digital gap for students with specific needs and/or few resources, and for children between 3 and 9 years old to learn the basics of computational thinking without electronic devices or screens.
- Share with Open Source usage rights a truly inclusive, tangible and manipulative didactic material, with a universal purpose and equity (without language or cultural barriers), especially accessible to children with some type of visual impairment and based in the reference application for creative computing, "Scratch Jr".

"Scratch Jr BCN Tactile" are more than 3D printed tactile and unplugged coding blocks to encourage computational thinking. "Scratch Jr BCN Tactile" is a kit based on the design and creative philosophy of Scratch Jr, the version of Scratch for the little ones. Thanks to them, students will be able to play and learn while developing, in an inclusive approach, the skills so necessary for today's society, such as digital skills, critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork (21st century skills).

Pedagogical pillars
Learning is promoted taking into account the following 5 pedagogical pillars:
Cognitive: Learning computational thinking, algorithm design, pattern recognition, decomposition and logical thinking. Focusing attention, problem solving and flexible thinking by learning to fac complex tasks and building effective strategies to identify solutions.
Creative: Solving challenges in an open way, with multiple solutions, and also creating new challenges that are open and adaptable to different environments, interests and cultures. Develop ideas, express them and transform them into reality by creating associations, symbolizing and representing ideas and providing meaningful experiences to others.
Emotional: Creation of meaningful artistic projects for each other, recognition of emotions. Understand, manage and express emotions by building self-awareness and managing impulses. Stay motivated and confident in the face of difficulties.
Physical: Spatial orientation, laterality, fine psychomotor skills. Understanding movement and space through the practice of sensory-motor skills.
Social: Collaboration, communication, and understanding of other people's perspectives through sharing ideas, negotiating rules, and building empathy.

Academic skills
Computational thinking (the basis for coding and robotics) and creativity are promoted, together with digital, artistic, mathematical, and linguistic skills. What's more, with the right projects, we foster competencies like social and civic values. In addition, children with visual impairments and other disabilities will work on specific essential skills.

Future lines
The project also includes as future lines:
- Design reference activities and lesson plans to use in the classrooms.
- Deliver "Scratch Jr BCN Tactile" free of charge to 30 schools in Barcelona, especially those with visually impaired children and schools of high or maximum complexity (underrepresented groups). Also to the Digital Fabrication "Ateneus" (public makerspaces) in the city of Barcelona.

- Raise awareness about education in diversity and inclusion and the need to create resources, applications and spaces accessible to all, disseminating an exemplary project of how to apply new digital manufacturing technologies with an inclusive perspective.
- Promote the Sustainable Development Goals and the values and attitudes of cooperation and social sensitivity, through learning activities about Computational Thinking, coding and using technology with responsibility.
- Connect the tactile blocks with the Scratch Jr application.
If you want to collaborate and join us developing any of these lines or want to be able to test the prototypes with your community in order to improve them, please contact us.

Rights of use
"Scratch Jr BCN Tactile" is an Open Design project, shared under a open license. Both designs and materials can be used, modified and shared under the next requirements:
- Commercial use of any kind is not allowed.
- You must always share them with the same license.
- The original authors must be cited: Sistema THEAD, as well as the other authors and collaborators of the project for the authorship, and Scratch Foundation for the original images and graphic designs.

This project is led by:                                                                                 In collaboration with the following organizations:

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With the support of Barcelona City Council (ICUB):

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We are grateful for the contribution in the creation of these materials to:

- Jepi Humet (Tactilens)
- Blai Collado (Tandem Social)
- Rubén Saguar, Mary Cazorla, Ester Romero, Coral (Ateneu de Fabriació Digital Les Corts - Ajuntament de Barcelona)
- Tracy Tang, Jacy Edelman, Elaine Atherton (For their support through the Scratch Foundation SEC Program)
- Mitch Resnick and Shawna Young and the all the Scratch Foundation and MIT team for creating Scratch
- Marina Bers, Mitch Resnick and the TUFTS University team to create Scratch Jr
- Pau Nin, Andrés García and Esther Gibert (ScratchEd Meetup Barcelona)
- Maria Teresa Corbella, her team and the children of the CREDV-CRE in Barcelona (ONCE)
- Gemma Rodríguez (Salesians Sarrià)
- Susana Tuset (Sagrat Cor Sarrià and NADÍS School for special education)
- David Hispano (Fundació Collserola)
- Daniel Cruz (MADE Makerspace Barcelona, Tangencial)
- Oriol Blas (Fab Casa del Mig, Barcelona)
- Matheus Provinciali (StartUB - Universitat de Barcelona)
- José García (CitiLab Cornellà)
- Eduard Muntaner (UdiGitalEdu - Universitat de Girona)

Collaboration, equity and reduction of inequalities

An open source project

Collaborate with this non-profit project, which aims to promote a truly inclusive, equitable society and reach those who need it most: reducing inequalities, accessibility and sustainability.


The name of all the people and entities that have collaborated in the project and/or made a donation will appear on this page as a token of appreciation.

How is Scratch Jr BCN Tactile?

Tangible and unplugged Scratch Jr




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Download area

Scratch Jr BCN Tactile

We currently share the designs of the
2nd prototype (August 2022):
- Character Cat
- Butterfly character

More designs (blocks, boards, etc.) will be available soon.

1 - Designs for 3D printing

Download the 3D manufacturing guide
Follow the guide to Instructables

2 - Designs for laser cutting

3 - Printable designs on paper and cardboard

Download .PNG designs

Use rights and license

Remember that...

"Scratch BCN Jr Tàctil" is an open and shared design project, under a free license.
Both designs and materials can be used, modified and shared under these requirements:

- It cannot be used commercially
- You must always share them with the same license (Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- The original authors must be cited: Sistema THEAD, as well as the other authors and collaborators of the project for the authorship and Scratch Foundation for the original images and graphic designs.

Coming soon:

Scratch Jr Tactile - We all do it together! What will you create?
We are so excited for you to create and share your character designs, backgrounds, learning activities, ideas, etc. with the Scratch Jr BCN Tactile community!

Didactic activities

Teaching units to use in the classroom

You will soon find

+ Activities for primary school
+ Activities for secondary school
+ Activities to awaken empathy and global awareness
+ Teacher training materials

First beneficiaries

Some entities that will receive the kit first are...

The first to receive the kit will be, among others:


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Do you want to be part of the first group to receive the Scratch Jr BCN Tactile kit?  Contact us.

With the support of Scratch Foundation and Barcelona City Council:


Where have we presented Scratch Jr BCN Tactile?

We are sharing the project with educators

We shared this inclusive project at…


Awards and recognitions:

  • Awarded "Peonza de oro" from Espiral in Madrid, in the Category of Virtual Environments and Metaverses (November 12, 2022) - link

Presented and shared on:

  • ScratchEd Meetup Barcelona (May 2022)

  • Citilab Jornada Programa (May 2022) -link

  • International Virtual Scratch Conference (July 2022) - link

  • Montserrat Abelló Public Library & Ateneu de Fabricació Digital Les Corts (December 10, 2022)

  • Google Learning Hub, Scratch SEC meeting. New York (January 5, 2023)

  • Scratch Foundation, Boston (January 9, 2023)

  • DevTech Research Group, Boston College, Boston (January 10, 2023)

  • New York Department of Education and Cornell Tech (January 12-13, 2023)

  • Unplugged Computational Thinking working group, Digital Culture Area of the Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia (January 24, 2023)

  • Digital Equity Conference, Jaume Bofill Foundation (February 2, 2023)

If you want us to come and explain the experience and present this collaborative project, contact us!

We all make it together Scratch Jr Tactile !

About us

We are a training team of trainers and creators of educational materials, innovative and inclusive of technology, STEAM and robotics, entrepreneurship and 21st century skills, linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).

THEAD - Transform your Teaching-Learning Skills to make a Difference

Follow us

  • Facebook - círculo blanco
  • Instagram Sistema THEAD
  • Twitter Sistema THEAD
  • LinkedIn Sistema THEAD

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© 2023 Sistema THEAD, SCCL - Digital literacy to change the world

We work with ❤ from Sant Feliu de Llobregat - Barcelona

with the support of

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